Can You Help Us With Our 2024 Post Excavation Costs?

We are seeking donations to help fund our post excavation costs now we have completed our summer “dig”. This work can take several months and involves evaluation of our finds from this summer by experts. At the conclusion of that work a report will be written giving some conclusions about what was found and what it tells us about the site, further adding to the archaeological information about the context of the 2023 dodecahedron find.

The most efficient way to donate is via a bank transfer as there are no fees involved. We receive 100% of your donation.

Contact us by clicking here and we can send our bank details/ IBAN number.


Use Our “WhyDonate” Page, especially if you are from outside the UK

Click here to use our “WhyDonate” page. This platform accepts other currencies apart from UK £s. Ideal if you wish to donate from outside the UK.

Why Not Buy Lottery Tickets?

Our group is also part of the North Kesteven District Council Lottery. Supporters of many local groups buy tickets. 50% of each ticket comes back to the group to help fund those group. Tickets cost just £1 each. 


So why not become a regular supporter and buy tickets and give our group a regular income?

To find out more and buy tickets visit our lottery website here